今回 e2 gallery では"TODAY IS THE SHADOW OF TOMORROW"と題し、Fanakapan の Solo EXHIBITION を開催いたします。
日本での EXHIBITION は今回が3年振りとなり、Fanakapan の作品を一気に見れるまたと無い機会。30点以上の新作で構成された展示となり、更には今回日本来日のために作製された、エディション付きのシルクスクリーン作品も、レセプション当日に販売予定です。レセプションには作家本人も在廊のため、購入者には直筆サインをする予定です。
時間:平日& 祝日13:00~19:00 土日10:00~18:00
レセプションパーティー : 3/20(木 祝日) 18:00~21:00
在廊予定 : レセプション & 3/22(土)23(日) 15:00~18:00
- Fanakapan -
Fanakapan(ファナカパン)はロンドンを拠点とするストリートアーティストで、リアルなヘリウムバルーン壁画アートなどで活躍しているアーティスト。スプレーペイントとクローム効果をミックスして、壁から飛び出してきたかのような3D アートを作り出し、気まぐれに様々な街の風景を変え、現代のアートシーンで評判を得ているトップアーティスト。
instagram : fanakapan
This time, e2 gallery will hold Fanakapan's solo exhibition titled "TODAY IS THE SHADOW OF TOMORROW".
This will be the first exhibition in Japan in three years, and it is a rare opportunity to see Fanakapan's works all at once. The exhibition will be made up of over 30 new pieces, and in addition, silkscreen works with editions created especially for this visit to Japan will be available for sale on the day of the reception. The artist himself will be present at the reception, and will be signing autographs for purchasers. Please check the reception and the date and time of his presence.
2025.3.14(Fri) - 2025.3,23(Sun) at e2 gallery
weekday & holiday 13:00 - 19:00
weekend 10:00 - 18:00
reception 3.20(Thu) 18:00 - 21:00
Fanakapan is a London-based street artist who is active in realistic helium balloon mural art. He mixes spray paint and chrome effects to create 3D art that seems to jump out of the wall, whimsically changing the scenery of various cities, and is a top artist who has gained a reputation in the contemporary art scene.
Fanakapan originally started stencil work in his hometown of Dorset, and began working on spray paint in the early 2000s. Making use of his background as a designer, he has continued to paint murals all over the world, from his hometown in the UK to New York and Tokyo, and continues to give people free ideas and enjoyment despite his large works.